
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!



How have you grown during your career?
For most of my life, I thrived in political debate. These days, I try anything to avoid it. My experience in Washington, DC taught me that I will never be the smartest person in the room, and the time I've spent within diverse communities in Wichita has taught me the value of speaking less and listening more.

What led you to this career?
I didn't intend for this to be my career path. I earned a degree in Horticulture and Landscape Design from Kansas State University. During my final semester, my signature on a volunteer sheet led to a job on a US Senate campaign, which led to a 13-year congressional staff career both in Washington, DC and in Kansas. The longevity should be a sign of how fulfilling the work has been, along with a boss willing to notice and invest in me.

What should one never take for granted?
The importance of "home". Home, wherever that may be for each of us, set the foundations for who we become. For me, that's Ashland, KS, and I am grateful to my parents, teachers, peers, and neighbors back home--all of which had some kind of hand in raising me.

What do you think the secret to a good life is?
I doubt there is a single secret that works for everybody, but for me... it's the thrill of travel with a good partner to make lifelong memories with.

What do you do for fun or to recharge?
My wife, Alyssa, and I enjoy staying active, which comes in more forms than simply hitting the gym: it's taking our dog on daily walks, kayaking on the Arkansas River, hogging our HOA pool, and getting our steps in by making frequent use of our Sedgwick County Zoo membership. But when I need to relax, there's no better way to end my day than on my back deck, watching the sun set over our pond, with either an old fashioned or whiskey sour in hand.

Who are your mentors and why?
First and foremost, my father. Frank York has taught me the quality of integrity, empathy and hard work. Whatever I achieve in my life, it's only because I'm standing on his shoulders--the efforts he made so that his children can have a better life and more opportunities. I continue to confide in him when I am challenged. Secondly, Senator Moran has helped shape me into a better man and better professional, through actions rather than just words. He's shown grace and given me second (or third/fourth) chances when I make mistakes. Over time, I've noticed that my temper has cooled, I offer forgiveness instead of reprimands, and I'd prefer to stay humble behind the curtain instead of standing in the spotlight. As a result, I'm just a much happier person all-around than I was perhaps a decade ago.

What’s the last series you binge-watched?
I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson (Netflix).

What book are you reading now? Why?
"Saving Aziz," by Chad Robichaux. In August 2021, every Congressional office received a massive wave of urgent requests from U.S. veterans, family members, contractors, and missionaries to help evacuate loved ones from Afghanistan during the retrograde. In our office, I took on much of that work and I didn't fully mentally prepare myself for what ultimately ensued in the weeks and months that followed. In the two years that have passed, I've found it helpful to seek out the good that came out of it, instead of solely focusing on the chaos, the loss and those who were left behind. Great friendships have ensued. Recently, Eastminster Presbyterian Church held an event and Q&A with Azizullah Aziz, an Afghan translator for our coalition forces during the War on Terror. I ordered the book a few days later and I've just started it. "Saving Aziz" details the determination of the book's author, a marine veteran, to save his former translator and his family.

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