
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!



What does a day in the life look like for you?
While advocating for community members and providers, I get the opportunity to talk to groups, organizations and individuals about the amazing efforts that are being made right now in Sedgwick County to better serve those struggling with mental unwellness and/or substance use addictions.

What makes you unique?
I don't know if this is unique, but I want others to be heard. Showing compassion and active listening is how we get to know others, how we make things better and how we support each other.

What is your biggest professional accomplishment?
Taking the step to apply for the position that I am currently in.

What music artist do you never get tired of?
There is not one single artist but there is something about ‘80s country music. It takes me back to the good, the carefree and adventures I had growing up.

What are your strengths and why?
I was on the phone with my son and asked him this question of me. His response was that I am the most independent woman he knows and that I raised him by myself. As I reflected on what he said, it makes sense. I wanted to learn how to take care of our home and I wanted to pay it forward to those who needed help.

What do you love most about your work?
That it is what I am passionate about. The work is easier when you love what you do.

What 3 critical skills help you in your work?
Collaboration, connecting and communicating. The efforts that I get to be a part of is not lead by one person, it is a led by several people that have collaborated together. Understanding that connection and communication are vital to make the collaboration successful.

What should one never take for granted?
That everyone has their own story. Being kind with your words and gracious with your actions.

What characteristic do you most admire in others and why?
The ability to be vulnerable, to learn and grow from others.

What is one word you would use to describe yourself and why?
I struggled to find a word, so I phoned a friend. She shared - Determined. I am willing to go places that I've never been before and meet people who can help move the action forward.

What do you do for fun or to recharge?
It depends on my mental wellness. I will either surround myself with people who fill my bucket or I will spend time in peace, building something with my hands - woodworking or cupcakes.

What are your strengths and why?
I was on the phone with my son and asked him this question of me. His response was that I am the most independent woman he knows and that I raised him by myself. As I reflected on what he said, it makes sense. I wanted to learn how to take care of our home and I wanted to pay it forward to those who needed help.

What motivates you?
Making change. For so long, I have taken for granted the ability to advocate for change. I have advocated for others most of my life but advocating for change, for my community, is what I am passionate about.

What is your favorite app and why?
Pandora. I am able to find my escape in music no matter how I feel.

What would we mostly likely seeing you doing on a weekend?
Doing something with or for others. The thing that brings me so much joy is baking for others. No matter what it is, I am exploring, building with my hands or within my social support system, and on great weekends, I am spending time with my son.

What is your most used emoji?
A purple heart.

What book are you reading now? Why?
Resilient - How to grow an unshakable core of calm, strength, and happiness by Rick Hanson. I am reading this book because I am hoping for balance within myself to ensure my own wellbeing and being able to better support others.

What characteristics do you value most in your coworkers?
Collaboration, Good Communication, Optimistic, Accepting, Honesty

What led you to this career?
Someone saw something in me that I was not aware of. Being seen and challenged has been one of the most powerful things that have helped me as I move through my professional career.

What is the most important part of your work?
Advocating for our community members and providers.

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